وصـــــف المقررات الدراسية

Course TitleEnglish Language I
Course CodeGH113
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2TutorialsLab2
Course descriptionThe English (I) course for first semester students has been designed to enable them to communicate in written and spoken English and to develop their ability to deal with concepts used in scientific discussion and writing. Reading comprehension. Topics: Heat energy, atomic structure, ultrasonic, periodic table of elements, computers and some topics of general interest etc. English in communication: Parts of speech, punctuation, simple sentence structure, tenses, passive voice, description of lab ware. Ordinal and cardinal numbers, simple geometry. Laboratory report writing: Lay out of a report: title, abstract, aim, introduction/theoretical background, experiment and materials, procedure, results discussion of results, conclusions,references, appendices.
Course TitlePhysics
Course CodeGS112
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2TutorialsLab2
Course descriptionMechanics: Linear and circular motion, Newton Laws of motion, Work, Energy, and Conservation laws of energy. Properties of Mater: Elasticity of matter, Hydrodynamics. Heat and Thermodynamics: Heat, thermodynamics, Laws, ideal gas. Waves and vibrations: Simple harmonic motion, waves, Propagation of waves, standing waves, Properties of optical waves.
Electricity and Magnetism: Mirror lenses and their application. Charge,
Coulomb’s law, electric field, capacitors and dielectric, current, resistance, electromotive force, electric circuits, magnetic field, magnetic induction , Hall effect. Ampere’s law, circular coils, self-inductance, RC, RL circuits. Magnetic properties of materials. Oscillator’s electromagnetic waves, Maxwell’s equations, Transmission lines, traveling waves, potential and alternating current. Waves and optical, optical
waves, reflection and reflection laws, mirrors lenses and their application.   LAB: Laboratory work includes experiments on the acceleration of gravity (g), Nook’s law, Young’s modulus, surface tension, thermal conductivity and specific heat, Newton’s Law of cooling, Sonometer, frequency measurements and the velocity of sound, Verification of Ohm’s law, Determination of unknown resistance, some measurement using a cathode ray tube, Determination of change magnetic field, Determination of the capacity, Measurement of focal length of an Inaccessible. Converging law. Measurement of Radii of curvature of converging lens, measurement of focal length of diverging lens.
Course TitleArabic Language I
Course CodeGH118
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionThe courses stress lingual approach to mastery of the language and include the study of basic grammar and selected readings in science and literature.
Course TitleMathematics I
Course CodeGS111
Course Hours4
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials1Lab
Course descriptionSets, relations, absolute value, functions; Algebra of functions, inverse function, parametric representation of a function. Limits, continuity, derivative, differential, higher derivative, extreme value theorem, intermediate value theorem, Rolle’s Theorem and mean value theorem.
Course TitleChemistry
Course CodeGS117
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab2
Course descriptionAtomic structure, periodic table, gas state, thermo chemistry, organic group.
Isomerism and fundamental concepts structure and reactivity, Radio activity,
chemical bonding, covalent bond theory, classification component, element
chemical behaviour, thermodynamic, electrochemistry, solid state, organic alkene reaction, cycling alkene, alkane, alkyne, alkylhalid, alcohol, aldehyde, ketone with detail study for mechanism reaction, An analytical volumetric, using volumetric apparatus, standard solution, volumetric solution. Titration methods, indicator titration, using acid base, complex compound, oxidation reaction. LAB: Laboratory rules and techniques, common reagents, chemical equations,
cations and anions, reactions of cations and anions, classification of cations and anions into groups, group reagents and group precipitate of cations, identification of cations and anions from simple inorganic compounds, Volumetric Analysis: use of volumetric apparatus, standard solutions, volumetric calculations, procedure of titrations, indicators, titrations involving acid-base, argentometric, complexometric and oxidation-reduction reactions, determination of strength of unknown samples utilizing the above methods of titration.
Course TitleEngineering drawing
Course CodeGE116
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory1Tutorials Lab2
Course descriptionIntroduction, definitions, terminology and general rules. Tools used in engineering drawing and methods of its use, geometrical processes, engineering curves, kinds of lines and it’s applications, Arabic engineering alphabetic, English engineering alphabetic, drawing scale and dimension, isometric projection, inclined projection, normal projection (isometric and oblique drawing), deduction of third projection, sections and it’s types (complete, half, revolved, partial and its application).
Course TitleIntroduction, to Computer & Programming
Course CodeGS115
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab2
Course descriptionTheoretical Part: Computer definition, computer components, computer
languages, flow charts, the steps of solving problems by computer, introduction visual BASIC, variables and constant, arithmetic operations, string operations, comparison operations, logical operations, operators, Control Statements, Arrays, Subroutines, Some of the V.B. Functions, The most important tools and some of their properties and events. Laboratory Part: Work area, menu bar, form, and tool bar, project window, tool box, properties box.
Course TitleEnglish Language II
Course CodeGH121
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab2
Course descriptionObjectives: The course is for those students who have gone through the first
It builds upon the work done in the previous semester and continues with the
objectives to enhance the student’s ability to communicate in written and spoken English. The following areas of scientific English are specially stressed upon. Reading comprehension: Topics: Latent heat, Bunsen burner, Spirit burner  computers,  Kipp’s apparatus, alloys, metals distillation, fire extinguishers, modern atomic theory, refining petroleum, refrigerators. English in communication: Adjectival clauses, omission of relative pronouns, use of infinitive and gerund,( mathematical concepts: Powers and roots, dimensions of two/three dimensional figures the use of graphs). Introduction to technical report writing. (Kinds of technical reports: The short informal report, the long informal report, the formal report (their format/structure and style).
Course TitleMathematics II
Course CodeGS121
Course Hours4
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials2Lab 
Course descriptionL·Hopital’s rule. Applications; Maxima and minima, curve tracing, related rates. Conic sections, polar coordinates. Complex number. Definite and indefinite integral. Fundamental theorem. Transcendental function, their derivation and integration.Techniques of integration-Area, length, volume and surface of solid revolution- sequences and series.
Course TitleHealth and Safety
Course CodeGS200
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionDefinitions and Terms (Occupational safety, hazard, risk, Work environment , Work accident, Occupational Diseases) Occupational Health and Safety Concept, Occupational safety objectives, Legal and legislative requirements for the application of the safety system , Work environment hazards (Physical, Chemical, Electric, Vital, Psychological, fire ) , work risk assessment and analysis , Definition of the work permit and its types, Personal protection equipment , Accidents and work injuries.
Course TitleMaterial properties
Course CodeGS122
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
PrerequisitesGS112 / GS117
Course descriptionIntroduction to materials properties, atomic structure, bonds, crystalline structure, mechanical properties of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, electrical, thermal, and magnetic properties of materials, materials selection for engineering applications
Course TitleHeat Transfer
Course CodeGE231
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionIntroduction – conduction Heat Transfer ( General Equation ) Conduction Heat Transfer( steady state ) & ( steady state with generation ) – Heat Transfer Through Extended Surfaces ( fins )-Steady State Heat Conduction-Convective
Heat Transfer-Thermal Radiation.
Course TitleOrganic Chemistry
Course CodeGS118
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab2
Course descriptionIntroduction to Organic Chemistry, Aliphatic Compounds, Nomenclature of Aliphatic Compounds, Preparation of Aliphatic Compounds, Reactions of Aliphatic Compounds, Alkyl and Halide Groups, Alcohols, Ethers, Organic Acids, Aldehydes, Ketones, Aromatic Compounds, Phenols, Amines .
Course TitleFoundation of Electrical & Electronic Technology
Course CodeGE123
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
Course descriptionSI units, electrical potential, resistance, Electric current and Ohm’s law, Resistance in series, Voltage divider rule, Kirchhoff’s laws, Maxwell’s loop current method, Mesh analyses, Nodal analyses, Superposition theorem, Thevenin equivalent circuit, Norton equivalent circuit, Star/delta transformation, Maximum power transfer theorem, Periodic functions, Sinusoidal functions, Time shift and phase shift, The average and effective values, Nonperiodic functions, The unit step function, The unit impulse function, Damped sinusoids, random signals, Types of capacitors, capacitorsl, Charging and discharging of a capacitor with initial charge. Self-inductance, Mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, inductances in series and parallel, Energy stored in magnetic field, rise of current in inductive circuit, Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorms, Superposition of AC sources, AC Bridges, AC power, Complex power, Power factor improvement, maximum power transfer, Poly-phase circuits, Three phase systems, Y-Δ systems, High pass and Low pass filters networks, half power frequencies, Ideal and Practical filters, Exponential Fourier series, Applications in circuit analysis, Fourier transform of non-periodic waveforms, Two port networks.
Course TitleStatistics & probability
Course CodeGS206
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionStatistics: Collection of data, Arithmetic mean, Median and Mode, Measures of Variation, Range, Mean deviation, Standard Deviation, The Moments, The Ratio of Moments, The Skewness, The Kurtosis, Correlation and Regression Theorems, Kinds of correlation, Calculation of correlation coefficient. Probability: Definitions, The experiment, The event , The sample space, distributions, Expectations and variance, Theorem of samples, Theorem of statistical estimation, the estimators, the point estimations, unbiasedness, sampling estimation of normal distribution.
Course TitleWorkshop Technology
Course CodeGE125
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab2
Course descriptionClassification of engineering materials. Properties and applications of important engineering materials. Primary manufacturing process: casting, welding, forging extrusion, drawing, rolling and metal joining. Basic measurements and inspection. Machining process: basic cutting tools, the centre lathe, basic operations, turning, taper turning, thread cutting and drilling. Engineering management, industrial safety and professional health. Training on using hand tools and production management and maintenance.
Course TitleMathematics III
Course CodeGS113
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials1Lab 
PrerequisitesGS111/ GS121
Course descriptionDifferential equation of the first order and first degree; different forms, non-linear differential equations of the first order; linear differential equations of higher orders;  differential operators; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; homogeneous case; method of inverse operator; method of variation of parameters; method of undermined coefficients, Laplace transform; basic theorems, convolution theorem, solution of differential equation by Laplace transform.
Course TitleThermodynamics
Course CodeGE232
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionBasic concepts: Thermodynamic properties, ideal gas, mixture of ideal gases, equation of state. First law of thermodynamics: Conservation of mass, work and heat, internal energy, specific heat, enthalpy, entropy. Process on ideal gases; Isochoric process, isobaric process, isothermal process, isentripic process, polytropic process. Second law of thermodynamics: Entropy change , heat engines and refrigerators, Carnot cycle, Clauses inequality, principle of increase. Of entropy. Properties of a pure substance (steam): Steam eneration, steam tables, Mollier diagram, thermodynamic processes of steam, outflow and throttling of gases and steam. Power and refrigeration systems: Internal combustion engines, the Ranklin cycle, Prayton cycle, Gas-turbine cycle.
Course TitleIntroduction to Energy Science and Technology
Course CodeSRE234
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionIntroduction to energy. Survey of energy technologies including steam, hydro, tidal, wave, fossil, geothermal, solar, wind, bio fuels, and nuclear. Energy sources and conservation of energy, energy efficiency, energy production and uses, sources of energy for both conventional and renewable. Climate change and the future of energy. Free hand sketching, isometric drawing and orthographic projections. Introduction to 3D AutoCAD and Matlab.
Course TitlePower Electronics
Course CodeSRE231
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
Course descriptionPower semiconductor devices: types, construction, characteristics and rating values. Operation and performance analysis of single-phase and three-phase uncontrolled, controlled and semi-controlled rectifier circuits with different loads. Effect of supply and load inductances on the performance of rectifier circuits. Operation and performance analysis of single-phase voltage-source inverter circuits. Electronic control circuits of alternating voltage: methods of control, operation and performance analysis of single-phase and three-phase alternating voltage regulators. DC chopper circuits: operation, performance analysis of step- down and step-up chopper circuits. Performance analysis of direct voltage regulators.
Course TitleFluid Mechanics
Course CodeGE242
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials1Lab2
Course descriptionFluid properties; fluid static, velocity and shear; continuity, momentum and energy questions; Bernoulli equation; laminar and turbulent flow regimes; frictional loss in pipes; transportation and metering of fluids; pumps and compressors; agitation of liquids; compressible flow; flow around submerged objects; fluidization. Laboratory: Measurement of pressure, velocity, temperature and mass flux. Hot wire, anemometry, laser Doppler anemometry. Water tables, water tunnels and wind. tunnels. Friction and total pressure losses in pipes. Axial and radial compressors, turbines and fans. Turbulent flow measurements. Compressor, turbine and wing blades and profiles. Jets, wakes, waves and vortices. Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits. Fluid power control systems.
Course TitleMeasurement & Instrumentation System
Course CodeSRE232
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionThe selection and application of transducers; the dynamic response of measurement systems; methods of data acquisition and recording; uncertainty analysis; data reduction and presentation of results; and the different roles of measurements in engineering practice. The laboratory provides hands-on experience with practical measurements of pressure, temperature, strain, position and velocity.
Course TitleAutomatic Control
Course CodeSRE301
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab2
PrerequisitesGS113/ SRE231/ SRE233
Course descriptionIntroduction to control systems, mathematical models of linear systems. Feedback control systems: characteristics and performance. Stability of linear feedback systems. Frequency response methods. Design and compensation of feedback control systems.
Course TitleCircuit Analysis
Course CodeSRE233
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
Course descriptionFundamentals of DC and AC circuit laws; mathematical models for circuit elements; techniques for circuit analysis and for writing and solving circuit equations; circuit theorems; introduction to Op-Amps; transient analysis of firs order circuits; phase technique for steady-state sinusoidal response .
Course TitleSolar Energy
Course CodeSRE235
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionStudy of solar thermal energy: Its intensity in outer space and the calculation of the solar intensity on earth with different models. Availability and usability of solar energy. Study of solar angles, Shades and the equation of time. Theory of the flat plate collector, transmission through glass, heat loss calculations and definitions of all parameters involved in collector performance. Solar concentrators: Solar I (Heliostat), Point concentrators, Parabolic through, Fresnel concentrators. Thermal performance, heat transfer coefficients, efficiencies. Array design and energy conversion. photovoltaic, solar tracking and solar satellite systems  
Course TitleElectrical Machines
Course CodeSRE236
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionD.C Generators (Types and Characteristics),Open Circuit Characteristic of a D.C. Generator, Characteristics of a Separately Excited D.C Generator, Voltage Build-Up in a Self-Excited Generator, Critical Field Resistance for a Shunt Generator, Critical Resistance for a Series Generator, Characteristics of Series Generator, Characteristics of a Shunt Generator, Critical External Resistance for Shunt Generator, Critical Speed (NC),Compound Generator Characteristics, Voltage Regulation, Parallel Operation of D.C Generators, D.C Motors, Back E.M.F., Voltage and power equations of D.C. Motor, Condition For Maximum Power, Types of D.C. Motors, Armature and shaft Torque of D.C. Motor, Brake Horse Power, Speed of a D.C. Motor, Efficiency of a D.C. Motor, Speed Control of D.C. Motors, Transformer, Theory of an Ideal Transformer, Practical Transformer, Practical Transformer on Load, Equivalent circuit, Voltage Regulation, Transformer Tests, Efficiency of a Transformer, Condition for Maximum Efficiency, All-Day Efficiency, Types of Transformers, Cooling of Transformers, Autotransformer, Parallel Operation of Single-Phase Transformers, Three-Phase Transformer. Three-phase synchronous machines: types, characteristics phase diagram, power, torque, voltage regulation and efficiency, modes of operation. Three-phase induction machines: theory and principles, equivalent circuit and phase diagram,
Course TitleResearch Method & Technical Writing
Course CodeGH129
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionObjective: The course is intended to develop the students’ ability on the oral presentation skills and to deal with concepts in scientific discussions and writings. It is to improve their concepts of Technical English enabling them to write Technical Reports, Technical essays as well as Business letters. The course lays stress upon the following areas of technical English: ·Different types of technical reports: The short informal report, the long informal report and the formal report; their format structure and style (Foreword and summary: Organizing main points for Non-specialist readers Details or discussion: Organizing details for specialist readers; the abstract; conclusions and recommendations, etc.); Feasibility and project report; articles on technical topics and business letters. Technical terms of importance to engineering, with emphasis on spelling-and, usage in sentences; technical terms used in computer applications. Symbols, abbreviations, glossaries, nomenclature, titles and sub-titles, tabular, graphical and pictorial presentation of data and the like, with examples. The course also abreast the students with concepts of research. The following main points are stressed upon: Selecting a suitable subject, writing a tentative thesis sentence, developing a preliminary bibliography, Taking notes, writing: précis and paraphrases, developing the first draft, preparing the final.
documentation notes, formatting the final draft.
Course TitleWind Energy
Course CodeSRE237
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionWindmills and Wind Turbines, Global Installations, Wind Energy System
Components, Blades, hub, nacelle, Gearbox, generator, brakes, Tower, foundation, control system, Turbine Design, Drivetrain Components, General Principles Primer (stress, strain, vibrations), Rotor Dynamics, Power Converters and Ancillary Equipment, Wind Turbine Control, Wind Farm Feasibility Studies, Wind Turbine Siting, Noise Issues.
Course TitleBio Energy
Course CodeSRE238
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionIntroduction-Types of Bio-resources-Potential-Characteristic of Bio-resources-
Origin, characteristics, use, cost, advantages and disadvantages of different
biomass resources: agricultural energy crops, woody crops/trees, crop residues, forest residues and thinnings, and animal waste. technologies for producing biofuels such as ethanol, biodiesel and bio-oils, including corn-to-ethanol, sugar cane to ethanol(Brazil), biodiesel from oil crops like soybeans, ethanol from ligno- cellulosic biomass, and bio-oils from fast pyrolysis of fibrous biomass. Costs, uses and markets for biofuels. Technology and Applications (Thermal, Chemical and Biochemical Conversion). technologies for producing bio power, including combustion and/or gasification – steam or gas turbines, fuel cells, and anaerobic digestion of manures to produce methane.
Course TitleCorrosion
Course CodeSRE230
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionIntroduction to Corrosion , Forms of Corrosion , Factors Effects the Corrosion
Rates, Corrosion in The Oil Fields , Monitoring the Corrosion, Corrosion Control Methods, Corrosion Inhibitors , Cathodic Protection , Alloys to Resist Corrosion , Painting , Coating , Using Nonmetallic Materials , Design to Control Corrosion , Corrosion Control Economics.
Course TitleMarine Energy Systems
Course CodeSRE240
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionIntroduction to Marine Energy Systems-Tidal, Wave. OTEC, Marine Current-
Con1esa Potential – Operating Principles – System Components – Applications and Case or Studies – Basic Performance and Cost – Future Trends and Constraints.
Course TitlePhotovoltaic Systems
Course CodeSRE239
Course Hours3                                                                                                                            
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
Course descriptionThe use of photovoltaic energy systems and PV cell interconnection and module fabrication. Standalone photovoltaic system components. Designing stand-alone photovoltaic systems. analysis of efficiency of solar cells, PV power systems and solar energy: batteries, components, cells, shipping entrepreneur, capability, energy converters and specifications coefficient. Photovoltaic water pumping system components. PV water pumping system design.
Course TitleGeothermal Energy
Course CodeSRE243
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionOverview of Geothermal Energy, Introduction (conduction, convection and
radiation), Thermal Properties of Rock and Governing Equation, Heat Transfer in rock- Thermal Properties of Rock and Governing Equation, Fluid flow in rock(Fundamentals), Fluid Flow in Rock (Porous and Fractured Rock Systems), Reservoir Geomechanics (hydraulic stimulation & other issues), Direct Use of Geothermal Energy and Geothermal Heat Pump, Enhanced Geothermal System EGS),Climate Change and Emerging Subsurface Engineering Applications Geothermal, CO2 Geosequestration, Underground Storage System),Natural Geothermal Resources, Engineered Geothermal Resources , Introduction and Operating Principle – Geothermal Resource Potentials – System Components- Basic Performance and Cost-Applications and Case Studies-Future Prospects, Constraints and Trends.
Course TitleEnergy Economics
Course CodeSRE241
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionPrinciples of economical science and engineering economy-Cost estimating and cost terminology – Interacting between markets and the environment –Economies of renewable resources – Feasibility of projects – Environmental impacts – Economics of carbon – Economics of alternatives and their/relationship.to sustainability energy-Economic analysis of a transmission system, tariffs, power factor, all, thermal generation allocation problem, hydro thermal coordination, new energy resources. Transmission access fees assessment and calculations. Computer Applications using Microsoft Excel and Minitab,
Course TitleSelected Topic
Course CodeSRE246
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
PrerequisitesDepartment Approval
Course descriptionSelected topics of current interest in energy engineering & Sustainable Energy.
Course TitleSolar Thermal Energy Systems
Course CodeSRE244
Course Hours2
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
Course descriptionCharacteristics of solar radiation and solar collectors. Collector efficiency evaluation and prediction of long-term performance. System modeling, thermal storage, concentrated solar power systems, computer simulation and modeling of performance and economic worth.
Course TitleEnergy Storage & Transmission
Course CodeSRE242
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory3Tutorials Lab 
Course descriptionIntroduction to energy resources, conversion, transmission & distribution,
consumption. Forms of energy: Units of energy and power and important physical constants., Conservation of energy, energy conversion techniques. Electricity generation, transmission and storage. Energy consumption; Domestic and Industrial. Case studies. Introduction to green energy policy and climate change mitigation. Renewable energy systems: Wind power, Hydropower, Solar, Biomass and Biofuel, Geothermal. Case studies of major installations. Economics and politics of renewable energy systems. The structure, design and efficiency of, electrical transmission grids will be introduced. Power electronic devices and their use in energy storage and conversion will  be presented. Emphasis will be on the development of an integrated approach for the storage and transmission of energy and cost versus efficiency trade-off analysis of such systems.
Course TitlePower Stations
Course CodeSRE245
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials2Lab 
Course descriptionSteam power plants (Analysis of steam cycles (Rankine cycle, End conditions,
Reheat cycle, Regenerative cycle, Power plant development and Cogeneration) Plant components (Turbines, Steam generators, Ancillary Systems). Thermal analysis and power plant performance, Plant Operation and Control. Gas turbine power plant (simple plant components , Thermal Analysis and performance of each component (Intercooling, Reheat, Regenerative, Water injection). Steam/Gas turbine power plant (Combined Cycle). Desalination Plants (Principles of Sea water desalination, Operational techniques of thermal desalination,  Desalination process categories, Multi-Effect Distillation (MED),  Multi-Stage Flash Distillation (MSF) , Reverse Osmosis (RO), Forward Reverse Osmosis(FRO), Plant economy and selection).
Course TitleAdvanced Solar Cells and systems
Course CodeSRE247
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab1
PrerequisitesDepartment Approval
Course descriptionOverview of Emerging PV technology. Solar cells detailed device physics & operation principles; Characterization and measurement techniques for solar cells. Three generations of solar cells and their applications; Tandem solar cells; Concentrator(CPV and HCPV) and hybrid solar PV systems.
Course TitleTheory of Machines
Course CodeSRE248
Course Hours3
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials Lab3
Course descriptionKinematics and dynamics of machinery; linkages, geometry of motion; mobility; velocity and acceleration analysis by graphical, analytical, and numerical techniques; static and dynamic force analysis in machinery; engine analysis; flywheels; balancing; Governers; Cams; Clutches and brakes; Gyroscope
Course TitleField Training
Course CodeSRE406
Course Hours6
Contact HoursTheory Tutorials Lab6
PrerequisitesDepartment Approval
Course description30 working days (120 hours).
Course TitleGraduation Project
Course CodeSRE363
Course Hours4
Contact HoursTheory2Tutorials3Lab3
PrerequisitesDepartment Approval
Course descriptionThe students of Sixth Semester are divided into groups supervised by one or more of staff members; each group has to prepare and present a complete study on one of Energy subjects suggested and approved by the department research counsel. The study should be either a laboratory study, field study, or theoretical study using the available data and means from Libyan institutions or any others. The project aims to enable the student to depend on himself in doing investigation and tackling problems, through data surveying, searching, gathering, analysis, drawing conclusion. Finally the student has to present this report and discuss it in front of committee composed from department teaching staff member.

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